About Us

About Us


Warren Valley Community Church exists to connect people to God. Founded in faith and born from an old creamery in 1987, our church is located in the beautiful South West town of Manjimup. Our Sunday morning service is held in Manjimup but extends to the broader communities of Bridgetown, Pemberton and Northcliffe.

We are passionate about church community and doing life together, so have a number of mid-week studies that allow people to connect throughout the week. Our desire is that through our ministry, people of all ages are equipped to share Christ’s message of salvation, embrace His heart for others and live lives that demonstrate the joy and freedom He brings.

Our message is one of hope, restoration and life and our heart is to see this town and broader community transformed by the great love of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We welcome you to join us at Warren Valley Community Church!

Join us on for Sundays service at 10am our join our youth group on Fridays at 7.30pm