Sermons from 2019
The red- tailed tropicbird reminds us of our uniqueness and how we need to operate within God’s design for us.
The Bible Pt. 1
“If you read the word of God you are going to be changed, you are going to be spoken to, you are going to have the Holy Spirit move to transform you.”
Praise And Worship Pt. 2
Praise and worship should be the foundation of which we live our lives
Praise And Worship Pt. 1
Hosting the Holy Spirit: God inhabits the praises of his people.
It is as we learn to connect authentically with one another, that we begin to see what love requires.
Walking The Correct Way
Walking the correct way is about recognising God’s plan, God’s leading and God’s timing.
Father’s Day
Getting to know God the perfect father and experiencing the blessing of God’s family.
Mental Health pt.2
Recognising and responding to the complex struggles and realities of mental health issues part 2.
Mental health pt.1
Recognising and responding to the complex struggles and realities of mental health issues part 1.
Sap Suckers
Things that rob our joy of a life in Christ and deplete the fruit we bear.
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